Friday Finds: Inspiration

Cassandra and I are always looking for inspiration - especially now that we're designing patterns - and I, personally, love learning new knitting techniques and stitch patterns. Put that all together and you've got...

New Stitch A Day!
knitting and crochet made simple.

This addictive site, founded by the charming Johnny Vasquez, is chock full of fantastic video tutorials, articles, and patterns. The video tutorials are very easy to follow and there are enough interesting knit/crochet patterns to keep me busy for a loooooong time. Plus, once a week Johnny does "This Week In Stitches" which contains all kinds of useful content and a video communication from Johnny about what's going on at New Stitch A Day. FUN!

Sign up for the email alerts and you'll get a new stitch pattern every day delivered right to your inbox (or you can get a once-a-week recap). ;)

I hope you find as much inspiration in it as I do!

- Alex


  1. Cool! I'll check it out!
    PS I'm almost wishing it was knitting season (winter) cause it is soooo hot here!

  2. @Angela - it's ALWAYS knitting season! ;)
