
As Alex shared with you last week, I had a cabin adventure in up north Wisconsin. Aside from the oppressive heat we are enduring in our state these days, the trip was wonderful. My littles got to experience boating, beach fun, campfires, rural attractions, and special time with family. A couple snapshots of the inspiring up north atmosphere...

Amazing historic steam train
But my own personal vacation, the one where I make something or escape into a book. Always snuck in during the down times. Some of it at the cabin and some of it in my few days home before starting back to work at Company X. Well, it looks more like this...

Fox is coming to life
Super-secret knitting
Crocus sweater in progress
6x10 quilt blocks...tutorial to come
Really enjoying this book (and iced tea)
Some projects were touched more than others. An there is always the regrets of projects left undone (ie. the hand lotion bars I was hoping to make). If only vacation time could just move a little slower than regular time.


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